I was asked my thoughts about staffing at the Sheriff’s Department. The safety of Burke County citizens is paramount. We need dependable service from top-notch deputies who love what they do and know we have their backs.
The lack of respect that some citizens have for law enforcement officers is a problem – which leads to young people not wanting to serve. Right now there are not enough talented candidates coming out of BLET to fill demand. To make sure Burke County is able to hire the top of the class (and retain the stars we have), we need to look at better pay and make sure they have up-to-date equipment. Putting out campaign signs, I have learned just how spread out this county is – and we need to look at adding officers to patrol shifts.
Those who serve do not do it to be recognized, but acknowledging our top deputies at commissioner meetings could be a start. Positive stories will help the community see all the hard work that goes unnoticed – and keeps us safe.