Category Blog

Organizing Volunteers

As President of Friends of the Valdese Rec, I organized a trail maintenance workday this morning at Valdese Lakeside Park. Since the land was acquired in 2018, I have managed over 2300 volunteer hours. The project has been going on…


I attended a meeting with representatives from NCWRC, State Parks, State Trails, F3ST, FCNC, and Burke County. The NCWRC owns property north of the Linville boat ramp and will be doing reforestation work. This means they will replace the commercial…

State Trails

I serve on a state wide coalition that worked with legislators to include funding for state trails in the state budget. With that, each state trail was assigned a nonprofit – one being Friends of Fonta Flora State Trail, for…

Republican Convention

I attended the Burke County Republican Party Convention today. It was a great event – and a chance for me to remind you — I will be on the Republican ballot for the primary. If you are a registered Republican,…

Yard Signs

Yard signs are available!! We deliver or you can pick up at Zimmerman Realty at 204 E Main St, Valdese.


Volunteer firefighters are the leaders of their communities! To learn more about their work, Monday evening, I attended the Burke County Firefighters Assoc Meeting at Lake James Station. Tuesday evening, I attended the Chesterfield Fire Rescue Meeting.


My son, Zakk, is part of the NCSSM Online program. He has weekends on the Durham campus, which means a hotel and food for me – this is our third trip this school year. The list of benefits of having…

Commissioner Meetings

I attended the Burke County Commissioners meeting Tuesday night. I have been to 6 regular, pre-agenda or budget meetings over the past year. If elected, I want to make sure I understand the processes and hit the ground running to…

Voting Dates

Important information to make your vote count! Primary is May 17 – Vote Beth Heile April 22 – The last day to register to vote or make changes in party affiliation. You can also register during early voting – but…

Local & State Gov’t Knowledge

I learned the inner workings of local and state governments when I founded Friends of the Valdese Rec to assist the Town of Valdese in acquiring 300 acres on Lake Rhodhiss that is today Valdese Lakeside Park. Over the 7…

Beth Heile Officially Files

February 24, 2022 – Beth Heile has filed as a candidate for Burke County Commissioner. Since returning to her home county eleven years ago, Heile has worked tirelessly in various volunteer roles, including bringing parks and trails to Burke County.…

Online Donations

If you would like to donate to Beth’s Campaign, you can do that online (or via the postal mail). Online Committee to Elect Beth Heile 5291 Mineral Springs Mountain Ave Valdese, NC 28690